Who is Dylan Rich? Teenager who England dedicated their match against Poland.

On the 8th of September 2021, in a matchup against England and Poland(the end result was a 1-1 draw) for the World Cup Qualifiers, England dedicated that match to a teenager, Dylan Rich.

Dylan Rich,17-years old, collapsed during an FA Youth Cup game between West Bridgford Colts and Boston United on Thursday.

Rich was treated with a defibrillator at the West Bridgford Colts ground before the paramedics arrived and was later transported to the Queen’s Medical Centre.

While on route to the hospital, Dylan suffered a second cardiac arrest in the ambulance.

He sadly passed away on Sunday.

The West Bridgford School, which Dylan attended, were left devastated by the teenager’s death. Headteacher Tim Peacock said:

“We are a school in mourning.We have a lost a wonderful, much-loved, talented member of our community. This loss will be felt deeply by many people.

At the moment our focus is on supporting his family, friends, classmates and teachers through this difficult time.”


About peter brian

Hi, ladies and Gentlemen. It is my profound pleasure to introduce myself. My name Is Peter Brian, 24 Years Old. I am A Follower of Christ Jesus above all else. It is my obligation as a Christian to proclaim that He is God, My Lord and personal Saviour. I am a Seventh Day Adventist. He died that i may see life. His Invitation is waiting for all to accept Him and believe in Him that they may not perish in eternal death. I love quiet stargazing in the night, nephology (study of Clouds and listening to worship music. Reading the Bible, my highlight of the day,

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