Katie Wright is the mother of Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man who was shot and killed in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota by police during a traffic stop on Sunday, April 11th, 2021.
Daunte was shot after getting back into his car and trying to drive away from the scene. Wright would later crash his car into another vehicle a few blocks away, and be pronounced dead shortly after.
Daunte was a father of a 2-year-old son and was with his girlfriend heading to the car wash during the police stop.
News reporter Chris Hrapsky for Kare 11, which is a news outlet in Minneapolis, said that Daunte’s mother, Katie Wright, a white woman, revealed to the press exactly why her son was pulled over before he was fatally shot. “The mother of Daunte Wright says the 20-year-old called her when he was pulled over by Brooklyn Center police about 1:40 p.m,” the journalist tweeted hours after the incident. “He told her police pulled him over for air fresheners hanging in the mirror, she told reporters.” ABC News would add that cops later learned that Daunte allegedly had an outstanding warrant.

Angered by the 20-year-old’s life that was taken by cops, a protest soon broke out at the scene with hundreds of protesters demanding justice for the death that many deemed wasn’t necessary. Brooklyn Center police would respond by showing up to the protest in riot gear.
Hundreds of people, some visibly upset and one carrying a sign demanding “Justice for George Floyd”, confronted police in riot gear on Sunday night, hours after the officer shot 20-year-old Daunte Wright in his car in the Minneapolis suburb of Brooklyn Center.
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