Who is Emily Viegas? 13-year old girl, bio, wiki, parents and cause of death.

Emily Viegas was born in 2008( 13-year-old). She is a  Brampton girl who is being reported to have died after testing positive for COVID-19.

Emily is one of the youngest teenagers who have lost their lives to the virus in Ontario. The family(Emily and her Parents) lives in a two-bedroom apartment in Brampton.

Emily’s mother is reportedly also in the ICU with COVID-19. A GoFundMe has been created by a friend of the family, Adrian Goddard. Adrian has been quoted saying  Emily Victoria Viegas died on April 22nd.

On Sunday, April 25th Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown tweeted his condolences to the family.

“This is beyond heart-wrenching. As a parent, I am lost for words. Horrifying,” he tweeted. “We can never underestimate the seriousness of COVID-19 and the variants. Words don’t describe the pain that this family must be facing right now.” “When we hear about high COVID case numbers, there are stories behind these case numbers, “Our community is heavily filled with essential workers and in this case, it’s a warehouse worker. The family was doing everything right, they weren’t socializing, they were staying home. They were following the advice of public health and an essential worker went to work and brought it back to his family,”

Ontario Health Minister, Christine Elliott called the loss a “tragedy” at Queen’s Park on Monday, April 26th.

Carlos Viegas, Emily’s father is still “hanging in there” for the mother.





About peter brian

Hi, ladies and Gentlemen. It is my profound pleasure to introduce myself. My name Is Peter Brian, 24 Years Old. I am A Follower of Christ Jesus above all else. It is my obligation as a Christian to proclaim that He is God, My Lord and personal Saviour. I am a Seventh Day Adventist. He died that i may see life. His Invitation is waiting for all to accept Him and believe in Him that they may not perish in eternal death. I love quiet stargazing in the night, nephology (study of Clouds and listening to worship music. Reading the Bible, my highlight of the day,

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